Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Shopping – for Glass

I hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving. I actually hosted my first turkey-day and I’m happy to report that the house is still standing, so I consider it to have been a success. Despite my neighbors who several weeks ago put up the white lights and wreaths on their house (before taking down the scarecrow, might I add), I believe we’ve only just begun the holiday season and the bustle of shopping that comes with it. I’m hoping that for many of you holiday shopping means big sales of doors, windows, mirrors, shower doors, glass tabletops and other related goodies.

My last couple of blogs have focused on my personal adventures in door and window shopping; now I’m hoping that you will share your experiences on the selling side. The January 2010 (yes, already 2010) USGlass will include our annual look at glass in the residential market. Are things starting to look up? Are certain products selling more than others? Do you have any predictions you’d like to share for what’s to come? Please drop me a line to let me know what trends you’re seeing.

Now speaking of predictions, each December or January when I contact people to offer their forecasts for what they think (or hope) will come to pass in the year ahead, I get at least one or two comments along the lines of “well I don’t have a crystal ball, but …” I’m sure, too, that some of you readers share my usual reaction, “These predictions sound about right to me, but how many of these forecasts actually are going to pan out?” That’s why this year we’re taking a different angle (credit for this must go to the ever-creative Mr. Paul Bieber). Knowing what you know now, we’d like to know what you would have done differently during 2009. Our hope is that this look at what’s taken place in the year behind us is likely to help us more critically examine what’s to come. If you’re willing to offer a sharp look back at the year that’s passed for our article in the January USGlass, please let me know.

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