Monday, January 14, 2008

Best and Worst

I can still remember sitting in the back of the high school auditorium, legs propped up on the stiff back of the chair in front of me, bemusedly watching my high school classmates singing and acting silly for our class’ Senior Night. Being pretty shy, I had never really been one for after-school activities, but even I was touched by the thought of graduation being only days away and knowing I might never again see many of the characters I’d grown up with.

Following the concerts, standup and skits, the audience was entertained with a list of nominees for the class superlatives. I can hardly remember most of the categories or winners; I’m sure it was the usual—“Most Popular,” “Best Dressed,” “Class Clown,” “Most Likely to Go to Prison Instead of College,” etc.—that all high schools have. But you can only imagine my embarrassment when I heard the emcee call out the category “quietest,” followed by my name and a long pause; that’s right, I was the only nominee. Believe me, the last thing the shy kid wants is to be recognized for being so quiet!

So many years later, I’m now in the process of putting together my own list of “superlatives” of sorts. That is, USGlass is gearing up for its Fourth Annual Big Book of Lists, to be featured in the March 2008 issue. I’m planning to spare you, Readers, such categories as “Most Popular” and “Best Dressed” (unless those are the lists you’ve been anxiously awaiting—I’d like to see those nominations!). Instead, we’ll be ranking the glass industry’s top manufacturers, fabricators, distributors and retailers, organized by product type, revenue and even number of years in business.

This year's list will also once again feature the list of top glazing contractors, with a description of each company in addition to information about locations and size. If you’re looking to see where you fall among your peers, look no further.

In addition, this year’s Book of Lists will be featuring such first-time categories as top minority-owned businesses; top women-owned businesses; top glass retailers; and top glass franchises.

Of course, this is all dependent upon the responses we receive from you, Readers. Luckily, becoming a part of the Book of Lists is simple; CLICK HERE to fill out a form. Please fill out the forms in their entirety to be considered. Forms are due by January 18, 2008.

If you have any questions—or suggestions for lists you would like to see—drop me a line or post a comment here. Or feel free to share the superlatives you received so many years ago—I know I’ve met a couple of Class Clowns and Most Likely to Succeeds out there!

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